Fractures, strains, and falls: How to prevent winter back injuries
Winter weather can be treacherous for your back. Whether it's a lumbar strain from shoveling wet, heavy snow or taking a spill on a slick sidewalk, winter conditions can seriously affect your back health.
Surgery for spinal stenosis linked to lower mortality and costs, compared to nonoperative treatment
For patients with spinal stenosis, operative treatment is associated with a lower risk of death and lower costs over two years, compared with nonoperative treatment, suggests a study in the February issue of The Journal of Bone & Joint Surgery.
What Is Facet Hypertrophy?
Facet hypertrophy is a common problem that causes the facet joints in your spine to enlarge. New bone growth and bone spurs can also develop as the joint tries to repair the damaged cartilage. The swelling and new growth can narrow the spinal canal and compress nearby nerves, causing pain.
ACP recommends bisphosphonates for initial treatment for osteoporosis in males and postmenopausal females
The American College of Physicians (ACP) has issued an update of its guideline with clinical recommendations for treatments of primary osteoporosis and low bone mass in adults.
What are some possible early warning signs of osteoporosis?
Osteoporosis causes bones to become porous and weaker, and many people do not have noticeable symptoms until they experience an injury or fracture. However, early signs of the condition can include receding gums, weakened grip strength, and brittle fingernails.
Why is my sciatica not going away?
Sciatica is a type of nerve pain that radiates down the back into the hip and leg. It often goes away in a few weeks, but for some people, the condition is chronic.
Q&A: Cervical disk replacement
The Food and Drug Administration recently approved cervical disk replacement surgery as an alternative to spinal fusion. Like a knee replacement surgery, the artificial disk allows for full or nearly full range of motion after the surgery.
What to know about ankylosing spondylitis
Ankylosing spondylitis (AS) is a form of arthritis that mainly affects the spine, lower back, and sacroiliac joints.
What to know about cervical stenosis in the spine
Cervical stenosis (CS) is the medical term for the narrowing of the spinal canal in the cervical or “neck” region of the spine. In CS, the upper part of the spinal canal becomes narrowed, compressing the spinal cord and nerve roots in this area.
What does arthritis in the spine look and feel like?
Spinal arthritis includes a range of degenerative conditions affecting the joints in the spine. The condition may cause swelling and pain. Imaging scans may also show changes to the bone structure.